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Books that Change Your Eyes

As a stay at home mom, it is easy for me to lose sight of the big picture. So much of my life is lived within the walls of my home and it can be tempting to believe that the work I am doing here is small or insignificant. It can be hard to see how these minutes and hours and years fit into God's wild, ongoing story of redemption.

One of my favorite stories that my mom has passed along to me describes a time in her life when she too was home with three small children. Once upon a time, my exhausted, sleep deprived mother was sitting on the floor playing a board game with her eldest daughter (myself), feeding my sister (who had special needs), and nursing my newborn brother. It was during this glamorous scene that the Lord spoke with her. He reminded my mom of the passage she had recently read in her devotions about the blind man who cried out to Jesus for mercy in Mark 10:51. In that passage of scripture Jesus asks the blind man "What do you want me to do for you? and my mom says she felt like God was asking her that same question. "Precious daughter, I see you in this moment. I hear your cries for mercy. What do you want me to do for you?" After thinking about this question for a moment my mom replied exactly as the blind beggar, "I want to regain my sight."

I want to regain my sight! I want to see how the great commission can play out in my living room. I want to see how the respectful words I offer my husband are helping to build God's kingdom. I'm desperate to see how laundry and dishes and toys and dirt are all included in what it looks like to serve the Lord. I need to see the big picture. What about you? How are your eyes?

First, only the Lord can restore your sight so I want to encourage you to speak with Him directly. Hear Him saying to you in this moment, "What do you want me to do for you?"

Second, I want to offer you a short list of books that have been wonderfully helpful to me as I seek to view my current life through the lens of the gospel. You can pick up most of these books at your local library and I know they will encourage your heart. Not only are they incredibly practical, these wise, godly women have taught me a great deal as I seek to live these years with intention and joy! I know the following books will bless you and your family. Click on the images for more information. Happy Reading!

Loving the Little Years

Motherhood in the Trenches

Rachel Jankovic

Fit to Burst

Rachel Jankovic

My Heart's at Home

Jill Savage

Liturgy of the Ordinary

Tish Harisson Warren

Disciplines of a Godly Woman

Barbara Hughes

Hope Unfolding

Becky Thompson

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